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How should a pregnant woman go to bed?

Finding the right sleeping position is not an easy task, especially during the last semesters of pregnancy. Given the size of the belly, pregnant women are often exposed to all kinds of ailments. What are the proper sleeping positions ?

What are the sleeping positions for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, certain sleeping positions that were once very comfortable quickly become a source of discomfort. However, there is no ideal sleeping position during pregnancy. Each women pregnant woman must find the position that suits her and adapt it as her pregnancy progresses. However, there are special sleeping positions for pregnant woman.

Sleeping on your left side

Sleeping on your left side is one of the best sleeping positions. Your baby is comfortable and so are you. This position allows you to free the vena cava and at the same time promote the circulation of the placenta.

Sleeping with a nursing pillow

Given the weight of the stomach, when you sleep on your side, you will have a feeling of heaviness. This is why it is recommended to sleep with a nursing pillow. This cushion placed along your body helps relieve the feeling of weight.

Sleep with your legs elevated

During pregnancy, you will be exposed to the phenomena of heavy legs, water retention or various cramps. To ease your sleep despite all these ailments, you must sleep with your legs elevated. To achieve this, place old directories under your feet or raise the bottom of your mattress.

Is sleeping on your stomach dangerous?

Contrary to popular belief, sleeping on your stomach is not dangerous for your baby. In fact, the latter is protected by amniotic fluid. Your baby therefore does not risk being crushed if you sleep on your stomach. However, as the pregnancy progresses, this position may become uncomfortable.

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